TapSwap Coin Listing Date Postponed: Why, New Date

TapSwap Coin Launch Date

We want to let you know about an important update regarding the TapSwap Coin listing date. The TapSwap pool listing date has been postponed, why? and announced a new date. Because the company made this decision to address a crucial issue they discovered. Don’t worry in this post we will share why the TapSwap coin listing date was postponed and what new date to listing this coin.

In the last week the TapWsap community broke records, they reached the milestone of 30 Million players. You know that this is more than the population of Australia. Now you have a chance to earn more TapSwap coins by tapping.

Why TapSwap Coin Listing Date Delay? Battling Bots

TapSwaper wondering why the listing date was pushed forward. I am going to tell you the full details of what happened.

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TapSwap Coin Launch Date

As usual, the Tapswaper backend team was doing complete data fetching when they noticed that some people were using bots (a kind of scam) to tap and earn coins. Finally, the company has posted on X that the company is banning them and the coins earned with the help of bots are also going to be stopped.

The company has guaranteed that people who have tapped have earned the coin reward. We are going to give them 100% of their reward but the company said that you should expect this process to take some time.

Tapswap Coin New Listing Date Announced

First, the company banned tapbots and stopped their coins and then gave the coins to those who tapped honestly. This whole process will take about 10 to 20 days.

Tapswap Coin New  Listing Date Announced

Spreading the news in the market that the listing date has been postponed due to a boat attack on TapSwap Coin can also be a marketing ploy. Due to this news, the TapSwap coin has created a huge rise in the market, it will surely benefit in future.

However, from the company’s point of view, I think the whole situation will be under control by 20th June 2024 so they are going to listing TapSwap Coin on the end of October 2024.. So everyone get ready and tap as many coins as you can. Because this is a wonderful opportunity to make more money.

You can earn a Tapswap coin by tapping on your smartphone screen, join now Telegram TapSwap bot and earn a coin. This is a simple process you just click on the Telegram Tapswap bot and earn.

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In conclusion, the TapSwap Coin listing has been delayed to ensure a fair and just token distribution. By addressing the issue of bots, that say we aim to maintain the integrity of our community. This delay offers a great opportunity for both newcomers and early adopters to benefit from the TapSwap ecosystem. Also announced new date the end of October 2024. to listing TapSwap coin.

If have any questions feel free to comment in the section below I will answer you. If feel this is an important update so share this post with your friends.

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