Recently, hamster kombat added a new game playground where players ride hamster FAM bikes. After winning the race, the player gets the code that helps unlock hamster keys. In this post, you get the solution of today hamster kombat mini game today Solution. You will be able to easily solve today’s minigame.
According to the hamster team, this key is most important regarding the ranking factor; you will see the effect on the upcoming hamster airdrop. If you have more keys, it means you have a chance to get a bigger aridrop. My advice is don’t forget to miss the single key. So let’s find out today’s mini game key puzzle solution visually.
Hamster Mining Link:
What is Hamster Kombat Mini Game
First, why did the hamster team build a minigame? Hamster CEOs play this game as part of an upcoming airdrop. Who solved more puzzles that got more keys?
The mini game of hamster kombat is a puzzle of 6 rows and 6 colum squares. Inside you can slide red and green cadles like up, down, and horizontally to pass keys from left to right. You will be able to pass the key from left to right in under 30 seconds, which means you solve their puzzle.
Hamster Kombat Mini Game Today
I have solved Hamster Kombat mini game today: You watch the video and memorize each move in your mind, then try to solve your own hamster minigame.
Related post: Hamster Kombat Daily Combo
How to Solve Hamster Mini Game Puzzle in 20 Second
- I provided you video; you just watch and understand the red and green cadle moves to solve this puzzle for the key.
- If you have the maximum number of keys, it means hunting beggers to airdrop funds.
- These keys will help you in the future when they are required in specific places or upgrades.
Final Thought
After watching the above video, you will be able to solve a hamster kombat mini game today. If you have any questions, comment in the below section, I will answer you. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends.